Hand Painted Sunface Katsina Necklace
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Hand Painted Sunface Katsina Necklace

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Hand Painted Sunface Katsina Necklace
Item: JC-026A-SUF
Price: $95.00

This lovely Necklace feature a  Sunface Katsina design.  The basic design is transferred to the glazed porcelain.  It was then painted with china paints.   It is finished with a gold border.  A 4mm coral bead and red porcelain feather highlights the design.

It is presented on a 22 inch Jewelrs Bronze hand woven Viking Knit Chain.

Size: Shield is 1.75 inch (43mm)  long by 2 inch (50mm) wide.  Coral and feather drop is 1.5 (38mm) inches long.